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  • Status Verkocht
  • Living area 117m²
  • Object type Appartement
  • Year of construction 1940
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In the area

neighborhood statistics

Marital status (%)

  • Married
  • Unmarried
  • Divorced
  • Widowed

Age in municipality (%)

  • 0 - 15 years
  • 15 - 25 years
  • 25 - 45 years
  • 45 - 56 years
  • 65+ years

Family with children

  • % with children
  • % without children
  • % single household


  • Status Verkocht
  • Acceptance in In Overleg

Construction form

  • Object type Appartement
  • Appartement type Bovenwoning
  • Year of construction 1940
  • Construction form Bestaande Bouw
  • Location Aan Rustige Weg, In Woonwijk, Vrij Uitzicht, Open Ligging


  • Living area 117m2
  • Capacity 422m3
  • Rooms 6
  • Bedrooms 4
  • Residential floors


  • Energy class E
  • Energy enddate 2034-06-20
  • Isolation Gedeeltelijk Dubbel Glas
  • Warm water Cv Ketel
  • Heating Cv Ketel
  • Year of construction of boiler 2016
  • Combi boiler Ja
  • Fuel Gas
  • Ownership Eigendom

Outdoor area

  • Garden Geen Tuin


  • Garage Geen Garage
  • Parking facilities Betaald Parkeren, Parkeervergunningen


  • Type Zadeldak


  • Permanent residency Yes
  • Particularities Kluswoning
  • Indoor maintenance Redelijk
  • Indoor maintenance Redelijk Tot Goed
  • Current use Woonruimte
  • Current purpose Woonruimte

Cadastral data

  • Municipality Charlois
  • Section B
  • Plot number 6897
  • Index 3
  • Ownership situation VOLLE_EIGENDOM


Neighborhood statistics

Marital status(%)

  • Married
  • Unmarried
  • Divorced
  • Widowed

Age in municipality(%)

  • 0 - 15 years
  • 15 - 25 yeas
  • 25 - 45 years
  • 45 - 56 years
  • 65+ years

Families with children

  • % with children
  • % without children
  • % single

Family composition

  • Married
  • Unmarried
  • Divorced
  • Widowed

Age in neighborhood

  • 0 - 15 years
  • 15 - 25 years
  • 25 - 45 years
  • 45 - 56 years
  • 65+ years


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